My Audit Found Me Short On Content Creation

www world wide webIt’s all about content creation.


The inception and continuation of the internet coupled with the emergence of the World Wide Web are solely responsible for job creation in fields that did not exist 30 years ago. As more tech companies come on board, there seems to be a new language based on acronyms. Phrases (acronyms) such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Internet Protocol (IP), Internet of Things (IOT), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Gateway Computer System GCS, Amazon Web Services AWS, and Internet Content Creation (ICC), for example, have become commonplace, even though they can be defined differently by the person using them.

In our industry, Web Site Design and Hosting, most of us offer SEO, (LP) landing page design, (ICC) content creation, on a user-friendly platform. Those terms are familiar to our business associates, industry, and customers. However, there are no language standards for ITL (In the Life of) a web company, therefore some in our industry coin their own words, create new acronyms, or use abbreviations that are only known to them and their customers. In fact, all industry’s do this, and some terms stick, become popular, and become overused, e.g. (CC) cloud computing.

Not overused, but very important to your website success is ICC or internet content creation.

Most businesses have a Facebook page, they may post on Twitter, have a few Instagram Videos, and, they have a website. Once on Social Media the business owner will find that it is demanding and unforgiving if you don’t post frequently, because everything on Social Media needs to be fresh, moving, and interesting. Consequently, you can’t ignore your Social Media platforms once you start, or you might be ignored and overlooked. And just like Social Media, a website, if left alone becomes stale, outdated, and forgotten.

Keep your website fresh, not stale with updated content, using a website update service, such as offered at You want to weed out expired content such as:

A website audit (email for information) will help the website owner find those expired bits of content on their website. With an audit, a website update service will have a plan to improve the website, assisting the business owner with expert content creation to fixing, changing or eliminating broken links.

404Expired content shouldn’t be ignored; information should be accurate and timely. Of course, you can always create a new page and redirect that URL to it (301) or delete the old page altogether, but this causes 404 errors In all cases the best route to take replace the old with new content creation. Your website, at the end of the day, with blogs, product descriptions, company information and so on is a stable. Companies need websites that have reliable, useful information that is readily available and easy to locate on any search engine. Unlike Social Media platforms, that change rules, remove comments and pages without notice, and requires a daily visit to keep up with the news.

Unlike Social Media, a website hosted on a VPC, AWS or land server belongs to the small business owner. With a unique IP their website can be found on any search engine because of the right SEO. When up to date ICC has been used the business website is always open for business.