What is an email campaign without a custom landing page?
One that isn’t success-oriented; a campaign that should emphasize its call-to-action.
A call to action can be anything. When the main goal of your email campaign is to increase traffic to your website, why consider a landing page at all? A landing page would just be another step for your visitors to take, right?
So, is your landing page blocking your website traffic?
No, because landing pages are designed with a specific purpose, to convert visitors into leads, and increase web traffic. Keeping this in mind, you gain more traffic and conversions when your email campaign directs your subscribers to a landing page.
The right landing page, a custom landing page can be a standalone page. It can exist by itself as a gateway for your call-to-action.
For the majority, if not all, of your email marketing campaigns, use landing pages. They can be deleted, modified, or replaced for each unique campaign because they are not static pages.
For example, landing pages could:
- Focus on specific items, products, or services.
- Welcome new visitors
- Introduce your company, solve a problem or educate the visitor
- Generating leads, collecting email addresses, or gathering contact information.
- Be informational and offer guides and technical details.
- Direct purchases, say thank you, or offer to click here pages
And designed using:
- The same style as your email marketing messages
- Minimal links so as not to be distracting
- The right keywords. Your landing page should have the right topic to complement or coincide with your email campaign, written in the language your audience is familiar with.
A thoughtful headline. Even with captivating content, make sure the headline is interesting: like a subject line for a blog
- Specific goals
- A Direct Proposition that doesn’t disappoint. Check the content of your page, are you asking, offering, or giving the user the right information? Did you set their expectations too high for that white paper they downloaded?
- An appealing image or short video
- A well-thought-out call-to-action that is direct and to the point.
- And just like an email campaign email message, test your landing page
- Is your landing page blocking your website traffic, no – it will only bring in more visitors.
You might consider a DIY landing page builder. There are code snippets and templates, but there are typically few instructions and little assistance. Do it yourself might work if you have the time in your busy schedule and are ready to put in the effort. Testing for the best outcomes is another consideration; A/B split testing requires time and expertise. Taking all this into account, custom landing pages can be the best option. And know your landing page is not blocking your website traffic.