Digital Marketing, Why Bother?

Where To Begin

Darn the internet, just when you thought you had all the latest buzzwords down, another one comes along that has taken cyber space by storm.  Just like social distancing is the acceptable way to stand next to someone, digital marketing is now the only way to sell, promote, and advertise your business online.

What is digital marketing you may ask

The simple definition:  using a digital platform connected to the internet to market your goods and/or services.

online marketingDigital marketing is a broad-based term.  It includes but not limited to all marketing strategies that allow the marketer to advertise, promote and/sell to a targeted audience, using internet- connected devices to visit and use websites and apps.

According to recently “it was calculated that 90% of U.S. Businesses were using Social Media for marketing purposes”.  One reason for this astounding number could be that Social Media is free and easy, but not necessarily the best choice to use as your only digital marketing platform. 

The best platform to base your digital marketing on is your website.  With the right layout, colors and images it is a familiar place for current customers to visit and more than likely it is the first introduction to your goods and services for potential customers.

Unlike Social Media, a website is stable, dependable, searchable, and easy to find.  It’s not at the mercy of changing rules and regulations.  With Social Media, you don’t own the pages and they can be removed without notice anytime.  And the competition for page views and likes is fierce.

However Social Media marketing can be fun to post to, as you create a journey for your followers, but even followers must remember to go to your Facebook page.  And if you have a sale, your post may not come up in the newsfeed on the right day.

The pieces of Digital Marketing, to be effective should also include:

Envelope Green and WhiteWith email the marketer can use targeted personalized messages to drive up ROI;

content marketingThe method of creating and sharing relevant information to a defined  audience to rouse interest in your products and/or services.   This may include writing and posting blogs, sharing videos and Social Media posts.

SEO Marketing

seo computer screenThis is a procedure that is used to enhance the visibility of your website on search engines.  Known as Search Engine Optimization, using the right mix of keywords and tags, one can change the ranking of their website (for example) for searches in Google. In addition SEO marketing with email marketing and blogging is used for lead generation. These are all digital marketing methods that increase conversions (when a person performs a desired action)

This is only a small portion of Digital Marketing  It’s always a good idea to employ someone who understands all the components of this strategy. Start with a good website, email marketing and social media. is ready to help!